Wow, well, it’s official: 2021 is firmly a thing of the past!
It’s January and, of course, we all know what that means. For many of us, the first month of the year provides an opportunity to reflect on what sort of choices we can make over the next twelve months that will improve our quality of life.
For most of us, a great deal of our resolutions are usually health orientated, so we thought we would chime in with five healthier choices that you can make this year.
1 / Sit less, move more!
Moving our bodies each and every day is so important for our health, both physically and mentally. Unfortunately, the way our lives are typically organised in the 21st century means that we spend considerably less time moving than our ancestors did.
Many of us find it difficult to make time in our schedules to consciously exercise, and if we do manage to make the time, we often find it difficult to sustain our exercise routines. A great solution for those in such a conundrum is to find seamless ways to include movement into your existing daily routine.
The best way to do this, many people find, is to make your own body your means of transport. Instead of always relying on a car or public transport, choose to walk or even cycle. This way, you’re moving your body as a means to an end.
2 / Cut the sugary drinks out
We all know how easy it is to consume more energy than we really need, especially when our lifestyles tend to be quite sedentary.
An excellent way to cut out unnecessary calories and sugars is to ditch your fizzy, processed drinks in favour of far healthier and more nutritious alternatives.
Of course, it’s no secret that a tall glass of water is king. However, if plain water simply doesn’t cut it for you, there are still plenty of sound alternatives. Naturally flavoured waters are a great choice if you’re someone who likes to opt for something that’s tasty as well as refreshing. Many flavoured waters, such as Radnor Vits also include a substantial dose of added vitamins and minerals, making them extra beneficial for your physical wellbeing.
3 / Swap your late nights for an early rise
Night owls take note…growing research indicates that an early night could be key to your good health.
Fascinating studies from the University of Exeter have evidenced the potential dangers of taking your rest way past midnight. Findings from a study group showed that incidences of cardiovascular disease were 25% higher in those going to bed at 12am or later.
Experts have pointed to the importance of seeing the morning light for our overall health, as it serves to reset our bodies internal clocks. If you’re not hitting the hay till yon time, it’s likely that you’re missing this vital portion of daylight and throwing your circadian rhythm way out of whack. Taking leave of your day before 11pm and rising bright and early will certainly improve your sense of physical and mental wellbeing.
4 / Get outdoors
Spending a greater deal of time outdoors has a huge array of proven health benefits, serving to elevate our mood, relieve stress levels and lower our blood pressure.
Opting to spend more time outside this year is an achievable goal that can only have positive impacts on our mental and emotional health. In order to make nature a greater part of your daily routine, why not opt for short walks on your lunch break, or focus your social time on weekends around activities that you and your friends and family can do outdoors.
5 / Eat more whole foods
Last but certainly not least, one of the simplest ways to improve our overall health is to eat more whole foods.
Whole foods naturally contain the nutrients that our bodies need in order to function optimally. By swapping your processed snacks and ingredients out in favour of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, seeds and fish, you’re doing your body a huge favour.
Years of research has proven that a diet primarily focused around whole foods significantly reduces your blood sugar levels, body weight and risks of major diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. What’s more, increasing your intake of whole foods is an achievable goal that can be implemented slowly to ensure you’re building a sustainable habit. Simply start by adding in a portion of vegetables to your main meal, or swapping out your processed snack for a piece of fruit, and go from there!
So, that’s about all from us. We hope we’ve inspired you today to make some positive changes to your daily life that can greatly benefit your overall mental and physical health. Even if you feel you can only make one change to your lifestyle right now, every positive choice counts!
