In our quest for sustainability, understanding the symbols and labels on our everyday products is crucial. It's not just about avoiding plastic or opting for organic foods; it's about making informed choices that have a positive impact on the planet. This includes understanding the significance logos and labels, especially when it comes to organic, compostable and biobased products.
What is compostable means?
Compostable refers to the ability of a material to break down into organic matter in a composting environment, typically within a specific timeframe and under specific conditions. Compostable materials undergo decomposition through natural biological processes, resulting in the formation of compost, which is a nutrient-rich soil amendment. Compostable materials can be derived from organic sources such as plant-based fibers or biodegradable polymers.
Composting offers a substantial reduction in the volume of organic waste, while the compost produced can be used for agricultural and horticultural purposes. Approximately 50% of household waste consists of organic materials, this proportion is expected to increase, owing to the growing popularity of biodegradable products such as packaging materials, disposable cutlery, and plates.

Compostable and Biobased Labels
Compostable Seedling (industrial):
Products certified to be industrially compostable according to the European standard EN 13432/14955 may bear the 'seedling' logo.

Usage: Products with this logo will fully degrade in industrial composting facilities. Remember never put compostable plastic into the recycling with other plastics. Plastics that carry this symbol can be recycled with your garden waste through your local authority.
More Information: Recycle Now
This certifies packaging is compostable in an industrial composting unit (13432: 2000) according to the European packaging Directive.

Usage: Similar to the Seedling logo, the OK Compost packaging recycling symbols indicates that the pack is compostable in an industrial composting unit. This marking system guarantees that the certified product can be composted in an industrial composting facility.
More Information: GWP Group
OK Compost HOME:
OK compost HOME is a certification program to ensure the complete biodegradability of products, even in home composting environments. Unlike standard-based certifications, OK compost HOME establishes specific requirements for biodegradability without being tied to a particular standard. he OK compost HOME certification program has been instrumental in the development of various standards, including:
*Australia: AS 5810 (2010) – Biodegradable plastics - Biodegradable plastics suitable for home composting
*France: NF T 51800 (2015) – Plastics - Specifications for plastics suitable for home composting
*Europe: EN 17427 (2022) - Packaging — Requirements and test scheme for carrier bags suitable for treatment in well-managed home composting installations

Usage: These products are suitable for composting in home settings, such as garden compost heaps. They are designed to biodegrade effectively, even under the lower and less consistent temperatures found in home composting environments.
More Information: TUV Austria
BPI Compostable:
The BPI Certification program is a third-party verification of ASTM standards for compostable products in North America, and the starting point for every American

company that wants to claim compostability on products and packaging. It certifies compostability to ASTM D6400 and D6868 standards in North America.
Usage: Products with this logo are suitable for commercial composting facilities.
More Information: BPI World
USDA Organic:
USDA Organic standards are set by the United States Department of Agriculture; to become certified, products must be manufactured without the use of synthetic preservatives, petrochemicals, ionizing radiation or pesticides. It Identifies products with a minimum percentage of renewable raw materials.

Usage: Brands displaying the USDA Organic seal assure consumers of their commitment to natural, eco-friendly production methods. This label serves as a hallmark of purity and sustainability, instilling confidence in consumers seeking organic products.
More Information: USDA Organic
NEN Biobased:
Certifies products with biobased content according to European standards (EN 16785-1). To demonstrate the (minimum share of) bio-based content in their products and label them with this claim.

This certification provides consumers with assurance regarding the bio-based content of products, with transparency and trust in the marketplace.
Usage: Provides information on biomass content, supporting sustainable material usage.
More Information: NEN
